一、How to add the mining amount?
1.EnterNewpool’shomepage, and choose EOS pool.
2.EnterEOS Pool page,and click “Mine Now”.
3.Choose mining ways. Taking “Buy REX” as an example, enter buying amount, and click “OK” (If you want to choose: mine by staking CPU/NET; please view step 6 directly).
4.Operate Wallet authorization on desktop, and click "submit".
5.Add mining amount successfully, and click "X" .
6.If you choose the way of "Stake CPU/NET", fill in the account that you want to stake (acquiesce in this account), enter staking CPU/NET amount, and click "OK".
7.Operate Wallet authorization on desktop, and click "submit".
8.Add mining amount successfully, click "X" to return to the homepage.
二、How to reduce the mining amount?
1.Click "Reduce miningamount ".
2.Choose reduced ways. Taking "sell REX" as an example, enter selling amount, and click "OK" (if you want to choose: reduce mining amount by redeeming CPU/NET; please view step 5 directly ).
3.Operate Wallet authorization on desktop , and click "submit".
4.Reduce mining amount successfully, and click "X" to return to the homepage.
5.If you choose the way of "redeem CPU/NET", choose the account that needs redeeming (acquiesce in this account), enter redeeming CPU/NET amount, and click "OK".
6.Operate the signing request, and click “submit”.
7.Reduce mining amount successfully, click "X" to return to the homepage.
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