Dear user:
Limo Wallet is dedicated to creating a “converter” of EOS ecology, gradually turning traditional Internet users to blockchain users who have EOS Wallet address, can trade with EOS, and use EOS Dapps in EOS ecology. Limo is the beneficial Wallet based on EOS and application center, and it will be the largest EOS eco-user community in the future.
Official Website: Website
Block Explorer: Contract address
The Beatitude Heart is the blessing of SteemChurch and a symbol of freedom. Those who do carry the seal shall drink daily from the heart spring, though all may share in the blessings. The poor in spirit, the mourners, the meek, the righteous, the merciful, the pure and the peacemakers are all encouraged to partake, exchange and rejoice. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Official Website: Website
Block Explorer: Contract address
TelosDAC is a community owned block producer on various EOSIO blockchains. We are owned through an airdrop to the Telos community based on the original snapshot. The TlosDAC token will be used by members to exercise their stake in the BP through custodian elections, support for worker proposals and project selection.
Official Website: Website
Block Explorer: Contract address
Risk Alert:
Newdex is not backed for any projects, please be catious to decide your trading.
Newdex Team
August 2, 2019
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